When it comes to outsourcing your order fulfillment Canada operations, choosing the right fulfillment company is crucial for the success of your business. But before hiring a fulfillment agency and starting the job, there are several important factors to consider. In this section, we have outlined all the key steps you should take before hiring fulfillment companies in Canada. Torpedo Marketing is an expert fulfillment marketing agency. We have the experience and expertise to help you plan your next fulfillment project. Contact us if you have any questions or want to formulate a fulfillment plan using these key steps together.

Factors To Consider Before Hiring Fulfillment Companies in Canada


  • When considering hiring a fulfillment company, it is crucial to gather and consider relevant information about your project. This information will help you make an informed decision and ensure that the fulfillment company you choose can meet your specific needs. Here are some key factors to consider when providing information about your project:

    1.General Description of the Project: Start by providing a clear and concise overview of your project. This includes specifying whether it is a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) order fulfillment job. Understanding the nature of your project is essential as B2B and B2C fulfillment may have different requirements and workflows.

    2.Type of Fulfillment Required: Specify the type of fulfillment services you are looking for. This could include merchandise fulfillment, literature fulfillment, contest fulfillment, direct mail fulfillment, or any other specific requirements. Different fulfillment companies may specialize in specific areas, so clearly defining your needs will help you identify the right provider. Torpedo can help you with any type of fulfillment requirement.

    Overall, clearly defining your project helps the fulfillment companies in Canada understand your specific needs and align their services accordingly.

  • When considering hiring a fulfillment company in Canada, it is important to consider the anticipated duration of the order fulfillment job. This duration can vary depending on the nature of your project and your specific requirements. Understanding the account duration is crucial as it helps both you and the fulfillment company establish appropriate expectations and plan resources accordingly. Here are some key points to consider:

    1.Short-term Project: If your order fulfillment needs are for a short-term project, such as a specific marketing campaign or a limited-time promotion, you should communicate this clearly to the fulfillment company. Short-term projects typically have a defined start and end date, and the fulfillment agency needs to ensure that they can efficiently handle the increased workload within that timeframe. Additionally, it is essential to discuss any specific requirements or deadlines associated with the project to ensure a smooth and successful execution.

    2.Long-term Partnership: In some cases, you may be seeking a long-term partnership with a fulfillment company. This is often the case for businesses that have ongoing order fulfillment needs, such as e-commerce retailers or subscription box services. When entering a long-term partnership, it is important to consider factors such as scalability, flexibility, and the fulfillment company's ability to adapt to your changing needs over time. Clearly communicating your long-term goals and expectations will help the fulfillment company align its resources and capabilities accordingly.

    3.Resource Planning: Understanding the duration of the account allows the fulfillment company to plan its resources effectively. For short-term projects, the company may need to allocate additional staff, equipment, or warehouse space to accommodate the temporary surge in order volume. On the other hand, for long-term partnerships, the fulfillment house Toronto, can establish stable workflows and resource allocation to ensure consistent and reliable order fulfillment Toronto. By having a clear understanding of the account duration, the fulfillment company can optimize its operations and provide efficient and timely services.

    4.Pricing and Contractual Considerations: The account duration can also impact the pricing structure and contractual agreements with the fulfillment center. Short-term projects may involve different pricing models, such as one-time fees or project-based pricing, while long-term partnerships often involve more comprehensive pricing structures, such as volume-based discounts or monthly retainers. Understanding the duration will help you negotiate favorable terms and ensure that the pricing and contractual arrangements align with your specific needs and budget.

    5.Flexibility and Scalability: Consider whether your account duration may change or evolve over time. Sometimes, short-term projects can lead to long-term partnerships if the collaboration proves successful. On the other hand, long-term partnerships may need to be revaluated or adjusted based on changing business circumstances. It is important to choose a fulfillment agency that offers flexibility and scalability to accommodate such changes and can adapt its services to meet your evolving requirements.

    By considering the anticipated account duration, you can effectively communicate your expectations to the fulfillment company and find a partner that aligns with your specific needs. This understanding will contribute to a successful and mutually beneficial relationship, ensuring efficient order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. Torpedo Marketing has the staff and warehousing space to accommodate any project from short term to long term.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to consider the industry your business operates in. Different industries often have specific requirements, regulations, and unique challenges when it comes to order fulfillment. Choosing a fulfillment company in Canada that has experience serving your industry is beneficial as they understand the nuances of your business and can meet compliance standards effectively. Here are some key reasons why considering the industry served is crucial:

    1.Knowledge of Industry-specific Requirements: Each industry has its own set of requirements and regulations when it comes to order fulfillment. For example, the healthcare industry may have strict guidelines regarding the handling and storage of medical supplies or sensitive patient information. The fashion industry may require specialized packaging and inventory management for apparel and accessories. By selecting a fulfillment company that has experience serving your industry, you can ensure that they have a deep understanding of these specific requirements and can adhere to industry standards.

    2.Familiarity with Compliance Standards: Different industries have varying compliance standards that need to be met during order fulfillment. These standards may include data privacy, product labeling, quality control, or environmental regulations. A fulfillment company with industry expertise will be well-versed in these compliance requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties. They can implement the necessary processes, systems, and documentation to ensure your order fulfillment operations align with industry-specific regulations.

    3.Understanding of Industry-specific Challenges: Each industry has its own unique challenges when it comes to order fulfillment. These challenges may include seasonal fluctuations in demand, short lead times, product fragility, or complex SKU management. A fulfillment company that has served your industry before will have experience in addressing these challenges and can offer tailored solutions. Their familiarity with the industry-specific dynamics allows them to provide efficient and effective order fulfillment services that align with your business requirements.

    4.Industry-specific Expertise and Best Practices: Fulfillment companies that specialize in specific industries often develop industry-specific expertise and best practices. They understand the unique needs and pain points of businesses in your industry and can offer insights and strategies to optimize your order fulfillment processes. Leveraging their expertise can result in streamlined operations, improved customer satisfaction, and cost savings.

    5.Network and Relationships within the Industry: Fulfillment companies in Canada who have served your industry for a significant period often have established networks and relationships with key stakeholders, suppliers, or carriers in the industry. This can be advantageous in terms of negotiating better pricing, accessing specialized services, or leveraging industry connections for faster and more reliable order fulfillment. Their network and relationships can add value to your business and contribute to a smoother fulfillment process.

    When considering a fulfillment center it is crucial to evaluate their experience and track record in serving your industry. Look for case studies, client testimonials, or references that demonstrate their industry-specific expertise. By selecting a fulfillment company in Canada that understands your industry, you can benefit from their knowledge, compliance adherence, tailored solutions, and industry-specific best practices, ultimately enhancing your order fulfillment operations and overall business success. Lucky for you, Torpedo has worked across several industries in all our years of fulfillment work. Contact us to discuss the specific industry you want to serve.

  • When hiring a fulfillment company in Canada, it is essential to determine the anticipated go-live date for your project. The go-live date refers to the target date when your order fulfillment operations will be fully operational with the chosen fulfillment house. This information is crucial for both you and the fulfillment company as it allows for effective resource planning, system integration, and personnel alignment. Here are some key reasons why considering the anticipated go-live date is important:

    1.Resource Planning: The go-live date serves as a reference point for resource planning. By knowing the expected date when your fulfillment operations need to be up and running, the company can allocate the necessary resources such as staff, warehouse space, and equipment to accommodate your requirements. This ensures that they have adequate capacity to handle your order volume and meet your go-live date effectively.

    2.System Integration and Setup: Integrating your systems with the Toronto warehouse company’s technology is a critical aspect of order fulfillment. This integration enables seamless exchange of order information, inventory data, and tracking updates. By establishing the anticipated go-live date, both parties can work together to ensure that the necessary system integrations and setup are completed in a timely manner. This allows for smooth data flow and minimizes disruptions in the fulfillment process.

    3.Training and Onboarding: For a successful go-live, proper training and onboarding of personnel are crucial. This includes training your team on the warehouse processes, order management systems, and any specific protocols or requirements. By determining the anticipated go-live date, you can establish a timeline for training sessions, ensuring that your personnel are adequately prepared to handle the order fulfillment operations when the go-live date arrives.

    4.Testing and Validation: The go-live date provides a target for testing and validation activities. Before the actual go-live, it is important to conduct thorough testing of systems, processes, and workflows to identify and address any potential issues or bottlenecks. By having a clear live date in mind, you can schedule testing and validation activities accordingly, allowing ample time for troubleshooting and resolving any identified issues before the launch.

    5.Alignment with Business Objectives: The launch date is closely tied to your business objectives and timelines. It represents the date when your order fulfillment operations will be ready to serve customers and generate revenue. By determining the anticipated go-live date, you can align it with your marketing campaigns, product launches, or other business initiatives. This ensures that your fulfillment operations are in sync with your broader business strategy, maximizing the potential impact and success of your initiatives.

    Clearly communicating the anticipated go-live date to the fulfillment company enables effective coordination and collaboration. It allows them to plan and allocate resources, integrate systems, train personnel, and ensure a smooth transition to full operational status. By considering the go-live date, you and the fulfillment company can work together to meet your desired timeline and achieve a successful launch of your order fulfillment operations in Canada. Torpedo Marketing can accommodate to the live date of your choice with our expert staff members, large warehousing space and up to date resources.


  • Before considering fulfillment companies in Canada, it is crucial to clarify who will have access to your account and order fulfillment systems. This information is vital for establishing proper security measures and defining access levels accordingly. Understanding the user roles and permissions helps ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Here are key points to consider when it comes to system access:

    1.Internal Employees: Identify which of your internal employees will require access to the fulfillment system. This may include personnel involved in order management, inventory control, customer service, or other relevant roles. By understanding the specific access needs of your employees, you can work with the fulfillment company to define appropriate user roles, access privileges, and authentication mechanisms. This helps maintain data security and ensures that your employees have the necessary tools to perform their tasks effectively.

    2.Customers: If you plan to provide system access to your customers, it is important to clarify this with the fulfillment company. Some fulfillment providers offer customer portals or self-service platforms that allow customers to track orders, view inventory levels, and manage their accounts. Clearly defining the access rights and functionality for customers helps ensure a seamless and secure user experience. It is also important to consider any privacy or data protection regulations that may apply, especially if sensitive customer information is involved.

    3.Consumers in General: In certain cases, you may have a need to provide limited system access to consumers or the public. This could include functionalities such as order tracking or returns initiation. If you require such consumer-facing access, it is important to discuss this requirement with the fulfillment company and ensure that the necessary security measures, such as encryption, authentication, and data privacy controls, are in place to protect user data and maintain system integrity.

    4.Security Measures: System access entails security considerations to safeguard your data and prevent unauthorized access. When discussing system access with potential fulfillment companies, inquire about the security measures they have in place. This may include secure login protocols, data encryption, access control mechanisms, and regular security audits. Ensure that the fulfillment company follows industry best practices and adheres to relevant compliance standards to protect sensitive information and maintain the confidentiality of your data.

    5.User Support and Training: Effective system access also requires user support and training. Discuss with the fulfillment company the availability of training resources or user guides to help your employees, customers, or consumers navigate and utilize the system effectively. This ensures that users understand how to access and interact with the system, reducing the risk of errors or security vulnerabilities.

    By clarifying who will have access to the system when engaging with fulfillment companies in Canada, you can ensure that appropriate security measures are in place and access levels are defined accordingly. This helps protect your data, maintain system integrity, and provide a seamless user experience for your employees, customers, and consumers. Give access to whomever you choose with the safety and security protocols in place by Torpedo.


  • Before hiring an order fulfillment company in Canada, it is important to discuss any specialized reporting needs you may have. Reporting plays a crucial role in monitoring and evaluating the performance of your fulfillment operations. By identifying specific metrics and data points that are critical to your business, you can ensure that the agency can customize their reporting capabilities to meet your requirements effectively. Here are key considerations when it comes to reporting:

    1.Performance Metrics: Determine the performance metrics that are important to your business. These metrics can include order accuracy, order cycle time, inventory levels, on-time delivery, returns and refunds, customer satisfaction, and more. Clearly communicate these metrics to the fulfillment center, as it will enable them to capture and track the necessary data to generate meaningful reports. This allows you to have a comprehensive view of your order fulfillment performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize your operations.

    2.Customized Reports: Discuss any specific reports or data views that are essential for your business. This may include daily, weekly, monthly, or ad-hoc reports that provide insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) and operational trends. For example, you may require reports on order volume by product category, inventory turnover rates, or shipping costs. By conveying your reporting requirements, the fulfillment company can tailor their reporting capabilities to provide you with the information you need in a format that is meaningful and actionable for your business.

    3.Real-time Reporting: Consider whether you require real-time reporting capabilities. Real-time reporting provides immediate access to up-to-date information on order status, inventory levels, and other critical data points. This can be particularly valuable for businesses with time-sensitive operations, such as e-commerce retailers or businesses that experience fluctuating demand. Discuss with the fulfillment company whether they have the technology and systems in place to support real-time reporting or provide near real-time updates.

    4.Data Visualization: Evaluate your preferences for data visualization in reports. Effective data visualization techniques, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, can simplify complex information and make it easier to interpret and analyze. Discuss with the fulfillment company whether they have the capability to present data in visually appealing and easily digestible formats. This ensures that you can quickly grasp the insights from the reports and take appropriate actions to drive improvements in your order fulfillment processes.

    5.Report Frequency and Distribution: Determine the frequency at which you require reports and how they will be distributed. Some businesses may need daily reports for real-time monitoring, while others may prefer weekly or monthly reports for a broader overview. Clarify who within your organization should receive the reports and in what format (e.g., email, online dashboard, downloadable PDF). These details help establish clear communication channels and ensure that the right stakeholders have access to the information they need.

    By discussing your specialized reporting needs with potential fulfillment companies in Canada, you can ensure that their reporting capabilities align with your requirements. This enables you to have visibility into your performance, make informed decisions, and continuously improve your operations. Effective reporting empowers you to measure success, identify areas for optimization, and drive the overall success of your order fulfillment process. Torpedo has comprehensive reporting capabilities so don’t hesitate to contact us with your specific reporting requirements.


  • Before hiring order fulfillment companies in Canada, it is crucial to discuss inventory-related aspects to ensure a smooth and efficient fulfillment process. The handling and storage of inventory play a vital role in meeting customer demands and maintaining inventory accuracy. Here are key considerations when it comes to inventory management:

    1.Storage at Fulfillment Warehouse: Determine whether the fulfillment company will store your inventory at their warehouse. If so, it is important to discuss the capacity and availability of warehouse space to accommodate your inventory needs. Provide an estimate of the number of skids or pallets you anticipate storing so that the fulfillment company can assess their ability to handle your inventory volume effectively. This helps ensure that the warehouse has sufficient space and resources to store and manage your inventory.

    2.Inventory Tracking and Management Systems: Inquire about the fulfillment company's inventory tracking and management systems. An efficient inventory management system allows for accurate tracking of inventory levels, stock replenishment, and real-time visibility of stock availability. Discuss how the fulfillment company tracks inventory movements, handles stockouts, and manages inventory accuracy. Understanding their processes and systems can give you confidence in their ability to effectively manage your inventory.

    3.Inventory Ownership: Clarify the ownership of the inventory stored at the fulfillment warehouse. In some cases, the inventory may be owned by your business, while in others, it may be owned by the fulfillment company or a third party. Clearly defining the ownership of the inventory helps avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future. Discuss the protocols for inventory reconciliation, inventory audits, and the transfer of ownership when necessary.

    4.Inventory Receiving and Quality Control: Discuss the procedures for inventory receiving and quality control. It is essential to understand how the fulfillment company verifies the accuracy and condition of incoming inventory. This includes procedures for checking quantities, inspecting for damage, and ensuring that the received inventory matches the documented specifications. Clarify whether there are any specific requirements or quality standards that need to be met for your inventory.

    5.Inventory Security and Loss Prevention: Inquire about the security measures in place to protect your inventory from loss or theft. This includes physical security measures within the fulfillment warehouse, such as surveillance systems, access controls, and alarms. Additionally, discuss the fulfillment company's protocols for inventory handling and the prevention of inventory shrinkage. Understanding their commitment to inventory security helps ensure the safety and integrity of your products.

    6.Inventory Reporting: Discuss the availability of inventory reporting. Effective reporting allows you to monitor inventory levels, track stock movements, and identify trends or discrepancies. Inquire about the fulfillment company's ability to provide inventory reports, such as stock-on-hand reports, inbound and outbound inventory reports, and aging reports. This enables you to maintain visibility and control over your inventory and make informed decisions related to restocking and order fulfillment.

    By discussing inventory-related information with potential fulfillment companies in Canada, you can ensure that their warehouse facilities, inventory management systems, and processes align with your requirements. This helps ensure the proper storage, tracking, and management of your inventory, leading to efficient order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. Clear communication regarding inventory ownership and security helps establish a transparent and mutually beneficial partnership with the fulfillment company. Torpedo has all the possible warehousing facilities and management systems you could ask for!

  • When hiring a fulfillment center, it is important to consider product categorization, especially if you require specific reporting and tracking capabilities. Categorizing your products can provide valuable insights and enable more effective management of your inventory and order fulfillment processes. Here are key points to consider when it comes to product categorization:

    1.Reporting and Tracking: Decide whether you need your products to be categorized for reporting purposes. Categorization allows you to analyze and track data based on different product types or categories. For example, you may want to categorize products as literature, premiums, promotional items, or specific product lines relevant to your business. By categorizing your products, you can generate reports that provide insights into the performance of each category, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your operations.

    2.Inventory Management: Product categorization can also support effective inventory management. Categorizing products based on their characteristics, attributes, or intended use can help streamline inventory control processes. It allows for easier identification and organization of products within the fulfillment warehouse. This can contribute to efficient stock replenishment, accurate inventory counts, and overall inventory accuracy.

    3.Order Fulfillment Efficiency: Clear product categorization can enhance efficiency. When products are properly categorized, it becomes easier for the fulfillment company to locate and pick the right items for each order. This reduces picking errors, minimizes delays, and improves order accuracy. Moreover, if certain products have specific handling or packaging requirements, categorization ensures that the fulfillment house can identify and process them accordingly.

    4.Customer Experience: Product categorization can positively impact the customer experience. By categorizing products, you can provide customers with more relevant and targeted information. For instance, if your website or catalog allows customers to browse products by category, clear categorization makes it easier for them to find the products they are interested in. This can enhance the overall shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction.

    5.System Integration: Discuss product categorization with the fulfillment company to ensure that their systems and technology can support your specific requirements. If you require products to be categorized in your order management or inventory management systems, it is important to ensure compatibility and seamless integration between your systems and those used by the fulfillment company. This allows for accurate data synchronization and efficient communication between both parties.

    When considering product categorization, clearly communicate your requirements to the fulfillment company in Canada. Provide guidelines and criteria for how you want your products to be categorized. This will enable them to align their processes, systems, and reporting capabilities accordingly. Effective product categorization supports accurate reporting, streamlined inventory management, efficient order fulfillment, and an improved customer experience. Torpedo has experience with many product categorizations so choose us for your next project.

  • Before hiring an order fulfillment company, it is important to discuss whether you require the tracking and reporting of inventory value. Managing and monitoring the value of your inventory provides valuable insights for financial analysis, tax purposes, and effective stock level management. Here are key considerations when it comes to inventory value tracking:

    1.Financial Analysis: Tracking the value of your inventory allows for better financial analysis and reporting. It provides crucial information for assessing the financial health of your business, evaluating profitability, and making informed decisions. By understanding the value of your inventory, you can assess the overall worth of your assets, calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS), determine the value of unsold stock, and monitor trends in inventory value over time.

    2.Tax Reporting: Accurate inventory value tracking is essential for tax reporting purposes. In many jurisdictions, the value of your inventory is a key factor in determining tax liabilities, particularly for businesses that use the accrual accounting method. By working with a fulfillment company that can track and report the value of your inventory, you can ensure compliance with tax regulations and simplify the process of filing tax returns.

    3.Stock Level Management: Understanding the value of your inventory aids in effective stock level management. By tracking inventory value, you can assess the financial impact of excess or insufficient stock. This information helps you optimize inventory levels, reduce carrying costs, and avoid stockouts or overstock situations. It enables you to make data-driven decisions regarding purchasing, production, and inventory replenishment.

    4.Reporting and Analysis: Discuss with the fulfillment company their capabilities in tracking and reporting inventory value. Inquire about the frequency and format of inventory value reports they can provide. This may include regular reports on inventory value at specific points in time, such as monthly or quarterly. Ensure that the fulfillment company's reporting systems and processes align with your requirements for inventory value tracking.

    5.Integration with Accounting Systems: If you use an accounting system or software to manage your financials, consider whether the fulfillment company can integrate their inventory value tracking with your accounting system. This integration streamlines the transfer of inventory value data, eliminates manual data entry errors, and ensures accurate financial reporting. Discuss compatibility and integration options with the fulfillment company to facilitate seamless data flow between systems.

    By discussing inventory value tracking with potential fulfillment companies, you can ensure that their systems and reporting capabilities align with your requirements. This enables you to have accurate insights into the value of your inventory for financial analysis, tax reporting, and effective stock level management. Torpedo’s accurate inventory value tracking will help you make informed decisions, optimize profitability, and maintain efficient operations.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to discuss kitting. Does your account involve the assembly and fulfillment of product kits. Kits are packages or bundles that include multiple items assembled for sale or distribution. Clearly defining the kitting production processes and timeline to ensure efficient assembly and timely fulfillment. Here are key considerations when it comes to kits:

    1.Kit Components: Specify the components that make up each kit. Clearly communicate the items that should be included in each kit and their quantities. This ensures that the fulfillment company has a clear understanding of the contents of each kit and can assemble them accurately.

    2.Kit Assembly Process: Discuss how you would like the kits to be produced and assembled. Provide instructions or guidelines for the assembly process, including any specific packaging requirements or instructions for arranging the components within the kit. This helps the fulfillment center follow your desired specifications and ensures consistency across all assembled kits.

    3.Production Timelines: Determine when the kits should be built and the expected frequency of kit assembly. Communicate any deadlines or timelines that need to be met, such as specific delivery dates or order fulfillment schedules. Timely production of kits ensures that they are available when needed and can be shipped to customers or retailers without delays.

    4.Quality Control: Discuss quality control measures for kit assembly. Specify any quality checks or inspections that should be performed to ensure that the kits are assembled correctly and meet your standards. This may include checking for missing items, verifying quantities, or inspecting the overall appearance and condition of the assembled kits.

    5.Inventory Management: Consider how kits impact your inventory management. Discuss how the fulfillment company will manage the inventory of individual components to ensure that there are enough available for kit assembly. Clear communication and coordination between your business and the agency is essential to maintain accurate inventory levels and avoid stockouts or overstock situations.

    6.Packaging and Labeling: If kits require specific packaging or labeling, provide the necessary details to the fulfillment house. This includes any branding elements, special packaging materials, or labeling requirements for the kits. Clearly communicating these specifications ensures that the kits are packaged appropriately and presented in a manner that aligns with your brand image.

    7.Reporting and Tracking: Discuss how the fulfillment company will report on the assembly and fulfillment of kits. Determine if you require specific reports or tracking information related to kit production, such as the number of kits assembled, components used, or any discrepancies identified during the assembly process. This helps you maintain visibility and control over kit production activities.

    By clearly defining kit production processes, you ensure that the warehouse company understands your requirements and can efficiently assemble the kits. Effective communication regarding kit components, assembly instructions, production timelines, and quality control measures helps ensure consistent and accurate kit assembly. Working in collaboration with the fulfillment company, you can achieve timely fulfillment and meet customer expectations for kits.

  • When considering hiring an order fulfillment company in Canada, it is essential to determine if your account requires print on demand inventory. Print on demand (POD) is a service that enables businesses to create customized or personalized products as per customer orders. Here are key considerations when it comes to print on demand inventory:

    1.Personalized or Customized Products: If your business offers personalized or customized products, such as customized apparel, printed merchandise, or personalized promotional items, print on demand inventory becomes crucial. With POD services, the fulfillment company can produce these items on an as-needed basis, eliminating the need for large pre-printed inventory.

    2.Order-Specific Production: Print on demand allows for order-specific production, which means that products are manufactured or printed only when an order is received. This approach offers flexibility, reduces the risk of excess inventory, and enables you to fulfill customer orders accurately and efficiently.

    3.Production Turnaround Time: Discuss the expected production turnaround time with the fulfillment company for print on demand items. This includes the time required for printing, customization, and preparation for shipping. Understanding the fulfillment company's production capabilities and lead times helps you manage customer expectations and ensure timely order fulfillment.

    4.Customization Options: Clarify the range of customization options available for print on demand products. This includes design personalization, color variations, size options, or any other customizations specific to your products. Ensure that the fulfillment company has the necessary capabilities and technologies to fulfill your customization requirements accurately.

    5.Quality Control: Discuss the quality control processes in place for print on demand items. It is important to ensure that the agency maintains high-quality standards during the production of personalized products. This may involve checking color accuracy, print quality, and ensuring that customization instructions are followed meticulously.

    6.Integration with Order Management: Consider the integration of your order management system with the fulfillment company's print on demand capabilities. Seamless integration allows for the automatic transfer of personalized product details and order information, ensuring accurate production and fulfillment. Discuss compatibility and integration options to streamline the order process.

    7.Scalability: If your business experiences fluctuating demand for personalized products, discuss the scalability of print on demand inventory with the warehouse company. Ensure that they can accommodate increased order volumes during peak periods or promotional campaigns without compromising on quality or turnaround times.

    By discussing print on demand inventory with the fulfillment center, you can ensure that they have the necessary capabilities to produce personalized or customized products as per customer orders. Understanding their production processes, turnaround times, quality control measures, and scalability allows you to effectively meet customer demands, reduce excess inventory, and enhance customer satisfaction. Print on demand inventory services can provide a cost-effective and efficient solution for businesses offering personalized products. Torpedo has all the necessary machines and equipment to help you with a print on demand job.

  • When hiring a fulfillment company in Canada, it is crucial to consider whether they can handle and manage product variants effectively. If your products come in multiple sizes, colors, or other variations, ensuring accurate fulfillment of customer orders becomes essential. Here are key considerations when it comes to product variants:

    1.Variant Management: Discuss with the agency their capabilities in managing product variants. This includes the ability to accurately track and handle different sizes, colors, styles, or other variations of your products. It is important that the fulfillment company has robust systems and processes in place to ensure the right variant is selected and delivered to the customer as per their specifications.

    2.Inventory Management: Effective management of product variants involves proper inventory control. The warehousing company should have mechanisms in place to accurately track and update inventory levels for each variant. This helps prevent stockouts, enables timely replenishment, and ensures that customers can order the specific variants they desire.

    3.Order Accuracy: Accurate order fulfillment is critical when dealing with product variants. The fulfillment company should have procedures to ensure that the correct variant is picked, packed, and shipped for each customer order. This may include label verification, visual checks, or barcode scanning to minimize errors and avoid shipping the wrong product variant.

    4.Quality Control: Discuss quality control measures specifically related to product variants. Each variant should undergo thorough inspection to ensure that it meets the specified requirements, such as color accuracy, size consistency, or any other attribute associated with the variant. Robust quality control processes help maintain the integrity of the product variants and enhance customer satisfaction.

    5.Communication and Specifications: Clear communication and documentation of variant specifications are crucial. Provide the company with detailed information regarding each variant, including size charts, color codes, style names, or any other relevant specifications. This helps eliminate ambiguity and ensures that the team understands the specific attributes of each variant.

    6.Reporting and Tracking: Discuss the reporting and tracking capabilities related to product variants. You may require specific reports on variant-level sales, inventory levels, or any other relevant data for analysis and decision-making. The fulfillment center should be able to provide accurate and detailed reports to help you monitor the performance of different product variants.

    7.Integration with E-commerce Platforms: If you operate an e-commerce business, consider the integration of your online store with the fulfillment company's systems. Seamless integration enables real-time synchronization of variant availability, pricing, and other product details. This ensures that customers can order the desired variants and that inventory levels are updated accurately across platforms.

    By ensuring that the fulfillment house can handle and manage product variants accurately, you can provide a seamless customer experience and avoid potential errors. Torpedo has effective variant management, inventory control, order accuracy, and quality control processes which can contribute to customer satisfaction and help you maintain the integrity of your brand. Discuss your specific product variant requirements with us to ensure a smooth and reliable fulfillment process for your business.

  • When considering hiring an order fulfillment company in Canada, it is important to discuss any special inventory storage requirements you may have. Some products may require specific storage conditions or handling due to their nature or characteristics. Clear communication regarding these requirements is essential to ensure that the fulfillment agency can meet them effectively. Here are key considerations when it comes to special inventory storage requirements:

    1.Secure Storage: If your products require secure storage, such as valuable items, sensitive documents, or confidential materials, it is crucial to communicate this to the agency. Discuss the security measures they have in place, including access control systems, surveillance cameras, or other security protocols that ensure the safety and integrity of your inventory.

    2.Climate-Controlled Environments: Certain products, such as perishable goods, pharmaceuticals, or sensitive electronics, may require climate-controlled storage environments to maintain their quality and functionality. If your inventory falls into this category, discuss with the company whether they have the necessary facilities and capabilities to provide temperature and humidity-controlled storage.

    3.Dedicated Client Storage Areas: If you require dedicated storage areas for your inventory, communicate this to the fulfillment center. Dedicated client storage areas can ensure that your products are separated and organized according to your specific needs. This may be particularly relevant if you have large or unique items that require separate handling or if you want to maintain strict control over your inventory.

    4.Hazardous Materials: If you handle or distribute hazardous materials, it is crucial to ensure that the fulfillment companies in Canada have the expertise and compliance measures in place to handle such products safely. Discuss their experience in storing and handling hazardous materials, as well as their adherence to relevant safety regulations and certifications.

    5.Inventory Tracking and Management: Regardless of any special storage requirements, it is important to discuss how the fulfillment agency tracks and manages inventory. Ensure they have robust inventory management systems and processes in place that allow for accurate tracking, real-time updates, and efficient retrieval of products when needed. This helps prevent stockouts, minimize errors, and maintain optimal inventory levels.

    6.Compliance and Certifications: If your products require specific compliance standards or certifications, such as FDA regulations or industry-specific requirements, discuss these with the fulfillment agency. Ensure they have the necessary certifications, licenses, or expertise to handle and store inventory in compliance with the relevant regulations.

    7.Insurance Coverage: Discuss insurance coverage related to inventory storage. Clarify whether the fulfillment company has appropriate insurance policies in place to protect your inventory against potential damages, losses, or theft. Understanding their insurance coverage helps mitigate risks and provides peace of mind.

    By discussing any special inventory storage requirements with the order fulfillment company, you ensure that they have the capabilities, facilities, and expertise to meet your specific needs. Clear communication allows them to allocate the appropriate storage space, implement necessary security measures, and handle your inventory in a manner that aligns with your requirements and industry regulations. Torpedo can provide effective storage of your inventory which contributes to efficient order fulfillment, reduced risks, and maintained quality and integrity of products.


  • When considering hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to specify how orders will be captured. The order capture process involves collecting and recording customer orders, and it plays a critical role in ensuring a seamless flow of information between your business and the order fulfillment agency. Here are key considerations when it comes to order capture:

    1.Order Channels: Discuss the various channels through which orders will be captured. This can include the fulfillment house’s shopping cart system, your own e-commerce website, third-party marketplaces, phone orders, or even email orders. Clearly communicating the order channels helps the agency understand the sources from which they will receive customer orders.

    2.Integration: If you have an existing e-commerce platform or shopping cart system, discuss the integration of your order capture system with the fulfillment company's infrastructure. Seamless integration enables automatic transmission of order details, reducing manual effort and minimizing the chances of errors during order processing.

    3.Data Transfer: Specify how order information will be transferred to the agency. This can include methods such as API integration, file transfers, or direct access to your order management system. Providing the necessary access and permissions ensures that the fulfillment company can retrieve order data accurately and in a timely manner.

    4.Order Format: Discuss the format in which order information will be provided to the fulfillment agency. Ensure that both parties are aligned on the specific data points required, such as customer details, product information, quantities, shipping addresses, and any other relevant information. Standardizing the order format facilitates smooth processing and reduces the chances of miscommunication.

    5.Order Notifications: Clarify how order notifications will be handled. Determine whether the fulfillment agency should receive real-time order notifications or if batched notifications at specific intervals are sufficient. Timely order notifications allow the fulfillment company to prepare for order fulfillment promptly, ensuring efficient processing and timely shipments.

    6.Manual Orders: If manual orders, such as phone or email orders, are part of your order capture process, discuss the procedures and protocols with the company. Specify the information required for manual order entry, turnaround times for order processing, and any specific instructions or templates to ensure accurate data entry.

    7.Order Confirmation and Acknowledgment: Discuss how order confirmation and acknowledgment will be handled. Determine whether the agency should send order confirmation emails directly to customers or if you prefer to handle customer communication regarding order confirmation. Clear communication ensures that customers receive timely and accurate information about their orders.

    By specifying how orders will be captured, you enable the fulfillment company to set up the necessary infrastructure, systems, and processes to receive and process orders seamlessly. Clear communication regarding order channels, integration, data transfer, order format, notifications, and manual orders helps establish a smooth flow of information, minimizing errors, and ensuring efficient order processing and fulfillment. Collaborating with Torpedo Marketing on the order capture process will enhance customer satisfaction and streamlines your overall fulfillment operations.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to consider the order entry process and determine who will be responsible for entering the orders. The order entry process involves capturing customer orders and inputting them into the system for further processing. Clear communication regarding order entry helps allocate responsibilities and ensures a streamlined workflow. Here are key considerations when it comes to order entry:

    1.Order Entry Responsibility: Identify who will be responsible for entering the orders into the system. This can include your own employees, employees of the agency, or even consumers themselves if you have a self-service ordering system. Clarifying the order entry responsibility helps establish accountability and ensures that the right individuals are assigned to handle this critical task.

    2.Order Entry Methods: Discuss the methods through which orders will be entered into the system. This can include manual data entry, integration with your e-commerce platform or shopping cart system, or even automated order feeds. Understanding the order entry methods allows the fulfillment company to prepare the necessary tools and systems to receive and process orders efficiently.

    3.Training and Procedures: If the order entry responsibility falls on your employees or fulfillment center’s employees, discuss the training and procedures involved. Ensure that the relevant personnel are adequately trained on the order entry process, including any specific data points, order format requirements, or order validation procedures. This helps minimize errors and ensures accurate order entry.

    4.Order Entry System Access: Specify who will have access to the order entry system. Determine whether your employees, agency employees, or both will require access to the system for entering orders. This information helps set up appropriate access levels, security measures, and user permissions within the order entry system.

    5.Order Entry Validation: Discuss any validation or verification steps that should be performed during the order entry process. This can include checking for order completeness, verifying customer details, validating product codes or SKUs, or conducting order accuracy checks. Establishing clear validation procedures ensures that entered orders are accurate and complete, minimizing the chances of fulfillment errors.

    6.Order Entry Turnaround Time: Communicate the expected turnaround time for order entry. Define the timeframe within which orders should be entered into the system upon receipt. This helps manage customer expectations and ensures that orders are processed in a timely manner, facilitating efficient order fulfillment and timely shipments.

    7.Communication and Order Updates: Establish communication channels for order updates and changes. Determine how the fulfillment company should communicate any order-related updates or modifications to your team or vice versa. Clear communication channels help maintain transparency and enable timely updates on order status, inventory availability, or any other relevant information.

    By identifying the responsible parties, discussing order entry methods and procedures, and establishing clear communication channels, you can streamline the order entry process. Effective order entry ensures accurate and timely processing of customer orders, reducing fulfillment errors, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Collaborating with the Torpedo on order entry helps establish a seamless workflow, enabling efficient operations.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is crucial to consider the order volume and the possibility of backorders. Providing an estimate of the number of orders you expect per day, both during normal periods and peak periods, allows the agency to plan and allocate resources effectively. Additionally, discussing backorders helps ensure customer satisfaction and a smooth order fulfillment process. Here are key considerations when it comes to order volume and backorders:

    1.Order Volume: Estimate the number of orders you anticipate receiving per day, considering both regular and peak periods. By providing this information to the company, they can assess their capacity and scalability to handle your order volume effectively. Understanding the order volume helps the agency plan their workforce, equipment, and overall operational capabilities to meet your business requirements.

    2.Peak Periods: Identify the specific periods or seasons when you expect a higher volume of orders. This could include holidays, sales promotions, or other events that typically result in increased order activity. Sharing this information allows the warehouse center to anticipate and prepare for peak periods, ensuring that they have the necessary resources in place to handle the surge in order volume.

    3.Resource Planning: Discuss resource planning with the fulfillment company based on your order volume estimates. This includes workforce allocation, warehouse space, equipment availability, and technology requirements. By aligning your order volume expectations with the fulfillment company’s capacity, you can ensure that they have the infrastructure and staffing capabilities to handle your order volume efficiently and meet your service level agreements.

    4.Backorders: Clarify whether you anticipate the need to manage backorders for your products. Backorders occur when items are temporarily out of stock but can be fulfilled later. If backorders are a possibility, discuss the agency's processes for managing and fulfilling backordered items. This ensures that the fulfillment company is prepared to handle such scenarios, communicate effectively with customers, and minimize any potential disruptions to the order fulfillment process.

    5.Communication and Customer Satisfaction: Emphasize the importance of effective communication and customer satisfaction when managing backorders. Discuss how the fulfillment house will communicate with you and your customers regarding backordered items, including estimated fulfillment dates and any alternative options available. Clear communication helps manage customer expectations, maintain transparency, and ensure a positive customer experience despite potential delays.

    6.Inventory Management: Work with the fulfillment agency to develop inventory management strategies that minimize the occurrence of backorders. This includes discussing inventory forecasting, replenishment planning, and setting appropriate safety stock levels to optimize inventory availability and reduce the need for backorders.

    By providing order volume estimates and discussing backorder management, you enable the fulfillment company to plan their resources effectively, ensuring that they have the capacity and capabilities to meet your order volume requirements. Collaborating with Torpedo on resource planning, communication strategies, and inventory management will help mitigate the impact of backorders and enhances overall customer satisfaction.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to discuss ordering limits and payment processes to ensure a smooth and efficient experience. By clarifying any ordering limits and determining the payment requirements, you can streamline the ordering and payment process. Here are key considerations when it comes to ordering limits and payment:

    1.Ordering Limits: Discuss whether there will be any ordering limits in place, such as quantity-based limits, item-based limits, or budget-based limits. This helps the fulfillment company understand and enforce any restrictions or guidelines you have for placing orders. Clear communication regarding ordering limits ensures that the agency can accurately process orders within the specified limits and prevents any potential issues or misunderstandings.

    2.Quantity Limits: Specify if there are any specific quantity limits for individual products or product categories. This could include limits on the maximum or minimum number of items that can be ordered at one time. Communicating quantity limits helps prevent overstocking or understocking situations and ensures efficient inventory management and fulfillment operations.

    3.Item Limits: If there are specific items or SKUs that have restrictions on ordering, communicate these limitations to the fulfillment house. This could include products with limited availability, restricted items that require additional verification or documentation, or items that are subject to regulatory or compliance requirements. Clearly defining item limits ensures that the fulfillment company adheres to any restrictions or regulations associated with specific products.

    4.Budget Limits: Discuss if there will be any budget-based limits on orders. This could involve setting a maximum order value or spending limit for individual orders or within a specific timeframe. By providing budget limits, you enable the warehouse center to ensure that orders stay within the designated budgetary constraints.

    5.Payment at the Time of Order Entry: Clarify whether payment will be required at the time of order entry or if there will be alternative payment arrangements. If payment is required upfront, discuss the preferred payment methods and processes. This helps streamline the payment process, ensuring that orders can be promptly processed and fulfilled. Alternatively, if there are different payment terms, such as credit accounts or invoicing arrangements, communicate these details to the agency to establish the appropriate payment procedures.

    6.Payment Security: Discuss payment security measures with the fulfillment company to ensure the protection of sensitive customer information. This may involve encryption protocols, PCI compliance, or other security measures to safeguard payment data during the order entry and payment process.

    By discussing ordering limits and payment requirements, you enable the company to set up their systems and processes accordingly. Clear communication regarding quantity limits, item limits, budget limits, and payment procedures helps ensure that orders are processed accurately, within specified limits, and that payment processes are streamlined. Collaborating with Torpedo on these aspects will enhance efficiency, minimize errors, and facilitate a seamless order fulfillment experience for both your business and our company.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is essential to communicate any special handling needs for orders to ensure that they are processed promptly and accurately. Special handling requirements may include rush orders, orders that require approval, or any other unique specifications related to order processing. Clear communication regarding these needs allows the agency to tailor their processes and allocate resources accordingly. Here are key considerations when it comes to special handling needs:

    1.Rush Orders: If your business occasionally receives rush orders that require expedited processing and shipping, inform the company about this requirement. Clearly define the criteria for rush orders, including the timeframe within which these orders need to be fulfilled and delivered. Providing this information enables the fulfillment house to prioritize rush orders and ensures that they can meet the necessary delivery deadlines.

    2.Approval-Based Orders: Certain orders may require internal approval before they can be processed and fulfilled. This could be due to special pricing, customizations, or other unique factors. If your business follows an approval-based order system, communicate the approval process and any associated timelines to the warehousing agency. This helps prevent delays in order processing and ensures that orders requiring approval are promptly routed through the appropriate channels.

    3.Order Validation: Discuss any specific validation or verification steps needed for certain types of orders. For instance, orders that contain high-value items, restricted products, or orders from new customers may require additional verification. By communicating these validation requirements, the center can implement the necessary checks to ensure order accuracy and compliance.

    4.Custom Packaging or Personalization: If your products require custom packaging, labeling, or personalization, clearly communicate these requirements to the fulfillment agency. Providing details about custom packaging options, branded inserts, or personalized messages allows the fulfillment center to handle these requests accurately and maintain a consistent brand experience for your customers.

    5.Fragile or High-Value Items: For orders containing fragile or high-value items, discuss the appropriate packaging and handling procedures with the agency. This ensures that these items are adequately protected during transit and that any necessary insurance or tracking measures are in place.

    6.Special Shipping Instructions: If there are specific shipping instructions for certain orders, such as split shipments, partial shipments, or specific carrier preferences, communicate these details to the company. Special shipping instructions help avoid shipping errors and ensure that orders are delivered according to your customers' preferences.

    7.Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: If your products are subject to specific compliance or regulatory requirements, inform the fulfillment house about these obligations. This ensures that orders are processed and shipped in accordance with the applicable regulations, reducing the risk of compliance-related issues.

    By communicating any special handling needs for orders, you enable the fulfillment center to tailor their processes and allocate resources effectively. This ensures that rush orders are prioritized, approval-based orders are processed smoothly, and any specific requirements for order processing and shipping are met. Collaborating with Torpedo on special handling needs enhances order accuracy, customer satisfaction, and overall efficiency in the process.


  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to consider any additional documents or forms that may be required for your orders beyond the standard packing slips. These additional documents can include customized invoices, promotional materials, return/exchange forms, or any other specific documentation relevant to your business processes. Communicating these requirements helps streamline the order processing workflow and ensures that the necessary documents are included with each order. Here are key considerations when it comes to additional documents or forms:

    1.Customized Invoices: If your business requires customized invoices with specific branding, logos, or additional information, discuss these requirements agency. Clearly communicate the formatting and content specifications for your customized invoices to ensure consistency in your brand presentation and adherence to any legal or regulatory requirements.

    2.Promotional Materials: Specify if you require promotional materials, such as flyers, brochures, coupons, or product samples, to be included with certain orders. Provide the necessary design files or printed materials, along with instructions on when and how these promotional materials should be included in the packaging.

    3.Return/Exchange Forms: If your business has specific return or exchange procedures and requires customers to complete return or exchange forms, communicate these requirements to the company. Provide any necessary templates or instructions for the completion and inclusion of these forms with returned items.

    4.Legal or Regulatory Documents: If there are any legal or regulatory documents that need to be included with certain orders, ensure that the fulfillment center is aware of these requirements. This could include documents related to customs compliance, product certifications, or industry-specific regulations. Clear communication regarding these documents helps maintain compliance and adhere to any necessary legal or regulatory obligations.

    5.Product Information Sheets or Manuals: If your products require additional information sheets, manuals, or instructional materials, discuss these requirements with the fulfillment center. Provide the necessary files or printed materials to be included with the corresponding products, ensuring that customers have access to the relevant product information.

    6.Order-Specific Notes or Forms: Communicate any order-specific notes or forms that may be required for certain types of orders. This could include special handling instructions, gift messages, or any other specific requests that need to be conveyed to the fulfillment team. Clearly indicate how and where these notes or forms should be included with the respective orders.

    7.Document Management and Tracking: Discuss how the fulfillment company will handle the management and tracking of these additional documents or forms. Ensure that they have processes in place to accurately associate the correct documents with each order and that they can provide reporting or tracking capabilities if required.

    By identifying any additional documents or forms required for your orders, you ensure that the agency can incorporate these into their order processing workflow. Clear communication regarding customized invoices, promotional materials, return/exchange forms, legal or regulatory documents, product information sheets, order-specific notes, and document management enables the order fulfillment business to streamline their processes and include the necessary documents with each order accurately. Collaborating with Torpedo on additional documents or forms will enhance your order accuracy, customer experience, and overall operational efficiency in the process.


  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to approximate the number of packages you expect to ship per day. This information helps the agency allocate the necessary resources for packing, shipping, and overall logistics management. Understanding the shipping volume allows the fulfillment center to optimize their operations and ensure efficient order fulfillment. Here are key considerations when it comes to shipping volume:

    1.Daily Package Estimate: Provide an approximate estimate of the number of packages you expect to ship per day. This could be based on historical data, sales projections, or industry benchmarks. Sharing this information can help agencies determine the appropriate staffing levels, equipment, and workspace needed to handle your shipping volume effectively.

    2.Seasonal Variations: Consider any seasonal variations in your shipping volume. If your business experiences fluctuations in shipping volume during specific periods, such as holidays or promotional events, communicate these patterns to the fulfillment house. This allows them to plan and adjust their resources accordingly to meet the demands of peak seasons.

    3.Order Consolidation: Discuss whether you anticipate the need for order consolidation. Order consolidation involves combining multiple items from a single customer into a single shipment to optimize shipping costs and reduce the number of packages. If order consolidation is a requirement, communicate this so they can implement the necessary processes and systems to facilitate efficient consolidation.

    4.Shipping Methods and Services: Provide details about the shipping methods and services you plan to offer to your customers. This includes options such as standard shipping, expedited shipping, international shipping, or specialized services like overnight delivery or tracking. Sharing this information helps the company coordinate with the appropriate shipping carriers and set up the necessary systems and processes to handle the specific shipping requirements of your business.

    5.International Shipping: If your business involves international shipping, discuss the countries you will be shipping to, and any specific requirements or regulations associated with those destinations. This information helps understand the complexity of international shipping, including customs documentation, duties, taxes, and compliance with international shipping regulations.

    6.Warehouse Space and Equipment: Consider whether your estimated shipping volume will require additional warehouse space or specialized equipment. If your inventory and shipping needs are substantial, discuss the availability of warehouse space, shelving, packing materials, and shipping supplies. This ensures that they can accommodate your storage and operational requirements effectively.

    By approximating your shipping volume, you enable the fulfillment company to allocate appropriate resources and plan their operations accordingly. Understanding your daily package estimate, seasonal variations, and specific shipping requirements helps them optimize their processes, staff appropriately, and ensure timely and accurate order fulfillment. Collaborating with Torpedo on shipping volume enhances efficiency, reduces shipping costs, and improves overall customer satisfaction through prompt and reliable delivery of packages.

  • When hiring fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to specify the shipping methods you prefer for your business. Different carriers and shipping methods offer varying levels of service, pricing, and delivery options. By clearly communicating your shipping preferences, you can ensure that the agency can align with your requirements and provide the desired shipping experience to your customers. Here are key considerations when it comes to shipping methods:

    1.Preferred Shipping Carriers: Specify the shipping carriers you prefer, such as Canada Post, Purolator, FedEx, UPS, or other reputable carriers. Different carriers may have varying strengths in terms of service coverage, delivery speed, tracking capabilities, and pricing structures. By indicating your preferred carriers, the warehouse center can coordinate with those carriers and set up the necessary systems and processes to ensure seamless integration.

    2.Service Levels: Communicate the desired service levels for your shipping methods. This could include options such as standard shipping, expedited shipping, next-day delivery, or specific time-definite delivery services. By specifying the service levels, you can meet the expectations of your customers and ensure that the fulfillment agency can fulfill orders accordingly.

    3.Location Restrictions: Be aware of any location restrictions that may apply to certain carriers or shipping methods. Some carriers may have limited-service coverage or additional surcharges for specific regions or remote areas. Discuss any potential limitations or challenges associated with your location to ensure that the fulfillment company can accommodate your shipping needs and provide accurate shipping cost estimates.

    4.Tracking and Visibility: Consider the importance of shipment tracking and visibility for your business. Tracking allows you and your customers to monitor the progress of shipments and provides transparency throughout the delivery process. Discuss the tracking capabilities of the preferred carriers and ensure that the agency can integrate tracking information into their systems and provide tracking updates to you and your customers.

    5.Shipping Cost Considerations: Discuss the shipping cost considerations for your business. Shipping costs can vary based on factors such as package dimensions, weight, destination, and service level. Understanding your cost constraints and shipping budget allows the company to provide accurate shipping cost estimates and help you optimize your shipping expenses.

    6.Shipping Regulations and Compliance: If your business involves shipping regulated or restricted items, such as hazardous materials or products subject to specific shipping regulations, ensure that the fulfillment agency is aware of these requirements. They should have the necessary knowledge and expertise to comply with shipping regulations and handle any required documentation or certifications.

    7.International Shipping: If your business involves international shipping, discuss the carriers and shipping methods that offer reliable international delivery services. Consider factors such as customs requirements, duties, taxes, and any additional documentation needed for international shipments. Ensure that the fulfillment company has experience and expertise in international shipping to effectively manage these complexities.

    By specifying your preferred shipping carriers and methods, you allow the company to align their operations and systems accordingly. Clear communication regarding service levels, location restrictions, tracking capabilities, shipping costs, and compliance requirements ensures that the company can meet your shipping needs and provide a seamless shipping experience for your customers. Collaboration with Torpedo on shipping methods enhances efficiency, customer satisfaction, and the overall success of your order fulfillment operations.

  • When considering fulfillment companies in Canada, it is important to discuss whether you will be shipping internationally. International shipping involves additional considerations compared to domestic shipping, including customs documentation, duties, and shipping regulations. Ensuring that the agency has experience and capabilities in international shipping is crucial for a smooth and compliant process. Here are key considerations when it comes to international shipping:

    1.Shipping Destinations: Specify the countries or regions where you plan to ship your products. Different countries may have unique customs regulations, import/export restrictions, and documentation requirements. Sharing this information allows them to assess their capabilities and ensure they can facilitate international shipping to your desired destinations.

    2.Customs Documentation: Discuss the customs documentation requirements for international shipments. This may include commercial invoices, customs declaration forms, certificates of origin, or other relevant documents. The company should have expertise in preparing and managing these documents to facilitate smooth customs clearance and comply with international shipping regulations.

    3.Duties and Taxes: Understand the duties, taxes, and fees that may be applicable to your international shipments. These charges can vary based on the destination country, the nature of the products, and the declared value of the shipments. The fulfillment center should be familiar with these charges and be able to provide guidance on estimating and managing duties and taxes for your international shipments.

    4.Shipping Regulations: Be aware of any shipping regulations specific to the countries you plan to ship to. Certain products may be subject to additional restrictions, licensing requirements, or certifications in different regions. Ensure that the fulfillment company is knowledgeable about these regulations and can comply with them to avoid any compliance issues or delays in international shipping.

    5.Shipping Methods: Discuss the available international shipping methods. Different carriers may offer various options for international shipments, including standard shipping, express delivery, or specific international shipping services. Consider the speed, cost, and tracking capabilities of these shipping methods to meet the needs and preferences of your international customers.

    6.Tracking and Delivery Confirmation: International shipments often involve longer transit times and multiple carriers. Discuss the tracking and delivery confirmation processes with the agency to ensure visibility throughout the shipping journey. This helps you and your customers track the progress of the shipments and provides peace of mind regarding the status and timely delivery of international orders.

    7.Compliance with Import/Export Regulations: Ensure that the fulfillment center has a strong understanding of import and export regulations. This includes compliance with trade compliance laws, export controls, restricted party screening, and adherence to relevant international trade agreements. Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain a smooth international shipping process.

    By discussing international shipping requirements with the fulfillment agency, you can ensure that they have the necessary expertise, systems, and processes in place to handle international shipments. Their experience in managing customs documentation, duties, shipping regulations, and compliance requirements will contribute to a seamless and efficient international shipping process. Effective collaboration with Torpedo on international shipping enables you to expand your business globally and deliver your products to customers around the world with confidence.

  • When hiring a fulfillment company in Canada, it is essential to discuss and outline the returns and exchange process you expect for your business. A well-defined and customer-friendly returns policy contributes to a positive customer experience and helps build trust and loyalty. Here are key considerations when it comes to returns and exchanges:

    1.Returns Authorization: Specify how returns will be authorized. Determine whether customers will need to contact your customer service team or the agency directly to initiate a return. Clarify any specific requirements for returns, such as providing order details, reason for return, or supporting documentation. This ensures that returns are properly authorized and facilitates a smooth returns process.

    2.Refunds and Exchanges: Discuss how refunds or exchanges will be processed. Determine whether customers will receive refunds back to their original payment method or be offered store credits or exchanges for returned items. Clarify any conditions or limitations for refunds or exchanges, such as timeframes, product condition, or restocking fees. Providing clear guidelines helps manage customer expectations and streamlines the refund and exchange process.

    3.Return Shipping: Decide who will be responsible for return shipping costs. Determine whether customers will be required to cover the return shipping expenses or if your business will provide pre-paid return labels. Discuss any restrictions on return shipping methods or carriers to ensure consistency in the returns process.

    4.Return Item Requirements: Specify any specific requirements for returned items. For example, you may require returned items to be in their original packaging, unopened, or in resalable condition. Discuss any exceptions for defective or damaged items. Clear communication regarding the condition of returned items ensures consistency in the handling and processing of returns.

    5.Returns Management: Discuss how returns will be managed within the fulfillment company's system. This includes tracking and logging returned items, updating inventory levels, and initiating refund or exchange processes. Ensure that the company has robust returns management capabilities and can provide accurate reporting on returns activity.

    6.Customer Communication: Outline how customer communication regarding returns and exchanges will be handled. Determine whether the company will be responsible for handling customer inquiries, providing return instructions, and issuing return confirmations. Establishing clear lines of communication and consistent messaging helps customers navigate the returns process effectively.

    7.Returns Reporting: Discuss any reporting requirements related to returns and exchanges. Determine if you need access to data on return reasons, return rates, or customer feedback. Customized reporting capabilities can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your returns process and help identify areas for improvement.

    By outlining the returns and exchange process you expect, you ensure that the fulfillment company understands and can align with your specific requirements. Clear communication regarding returns authorization, refunds and exchanges, return shipping, item requirements, returns management, customer communication, and reporting enables the fulfillment company to provide a seamless returns experience for your customers. Torpedo can provide you with a well-managed returns process which will contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately enhancing the overall success of your business.

Choosing the right fulfillment company in Canada is a significant decision for your business. By going through these steps in depth, you can ensure a successful partnership and streamline your order fulfillment operations. Remember, effective communication and clear expectations are key to a fruitful relationship with your fulfillment agency. Torpedo Marketing has been in the fulfillment game for a long time and can assure all your needs will be met seamlessly. Contact us today to discuss your specific fulfillment needs and how we can help you achieve your goals! Or, if you already went through the steps and know exactly what you want, fill out our fulfillment questionnaire and let’s get started!