Direct Mail Growth & Industry Trends (2018 - 2022)

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct Mail is a form of marketing that involves sending physical promotional materials directly to individuals or businesses through postal mail. The promotional materials can include flyers, brochures, catalogues, postcards, and other types of printed materials that are designed to showcase a company's products or services and persuade recipients to take a specific action.

Direct mail has been used by businesses for many years to reach potential customers and build brand awareness. One of the benefits of mail marketing is that it allows businesses to target specific demographics and geographic areas, which can be difficult to do with other forms of advertising. For example, a business can send a mailer to households within a certain zip code or to individuals who meet certain criteria, such as age, income, or buying behaviour.

Direct mail can also be highly personalized, with businesses using data and analytics to create targeted and customized messages that are tailored to the recipient's interests and preferences. This level of personalization can increase the effectiveness of direct mail marketing campaigns and improve response rates.

Marketing Purposes of Direct Mail:

1. Sales promotions:

Direct mail can be used to promote sales, discounts, and special offers to potential customers. For example, a retail store might send out a postcard offering a 20% discount on all purchases made during a specific time.

 2. Product launches:

Direct mail can be used to introduce new products or services to potential customers. For example, a company might send out a brochure showcasing a new line of products that they have recently launched.

 3. Lead generation:

Direct mail can be used to generate leads for a business by offering a free trial, consultation, or other incentives to potential customers. For example, a software company might send out a mailer offering a free trial of their software to businesses within a certain industry.

 4. Customer retention:

Mailing services can be used to build relationships with existing customers and encourage repeat business. For example, a restaurant might send out a direct mail card offering a discount on the customer's next visit as a thank-you for their loyalty.

Direct Mail Industry Growth in The Past 5 Years:

We will now discuss the changes in response rates and spending on direct mail in the past five years in the hopes to show that mailing services have once again gained much popularity in today's day.

Canadian Direct Mail Response Rates in The Past 5 Years:

Direct mail remains a powerful marketing tool in Canada, allowing businesses to engage with their target audience through physical mail. In this article, we will analyze the response rate trends for direct mail in Canada over the past five years. By examining the data, we aim to provide insights into how recipients have been interacting with direct mail campaigns and identify any notable shifts or patterns.


In 2018, the response rates for direct mail marketing in Canada averaged around 4% to 5%. This indicated that approximately 4 to 5 out of every 100 recipients responded positively to the direct mail they received. The response rates varied across different industries and target demographics. Industries such as retail, financial services, and healthcare generally witnessed higher response rates due to the relevance and personalization of their mailers. Moreover, the use of eye-catching designs, compelling copy, and exclusive offers contributed to the success of direct mail marketing campaigns. The response rates in 2018 showcased the effectiveness of direct mail in capturing recipients' attention and prompting them to act.


 In 2019, the response rates for direct mail in Canada saw a slight decline, averaging around 3% to 4%. This decrease could be attributed to the growing competition from digital marketing channels and changing consumer preferences. As recipients became increasingly exposed to digital advertisements, direct mail faced challenges in standing out and capturing their attention. However, personalized and targeted direct mail campaigns still yielded positive response rates, particularly among specific demographics less engaged with digital media. Businesses that invested in data-driven strategies and segmentation techniques continued to achieve higher response rates, indicating the importance of relevant and tailored messaging in driving engagement.


The year 2020 brought unique challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, impacting response rates for direct mail Canada. With lockdowns and restrictions on physical interactions, response rates experienced a temporary decline, averaging around 2% to 3%. The uncertainty and economic constraints during the pandemic led to cautious consumer behaviour and reduced response rates across various marketing channels, including direct mail. However, it is important to note that direct mail continued to play a significant role, particularly among target demographics that preferred tangible and trustworthy communication. Companies that adapted their direct mail marketing strategies to accommodate safety measures, such as contactless deliveries and hygiene precautions, were able to maintain decent response rates.


In 2021, as the economy began recovering from the pandemic, response rates for direct mail in Canada saw a gradual improvement, averaging around 3% to 4%. With the reopening of businesses and increased consumer confidence, recipients displayed a greater willingness to engage with direct mail campaigns. Companies that emphasized personalization, relevance, and innovative design elements experienced higher response rates. Integrating direct mail with digital channels and using personalized URLs (PURLs) or QR codes in mailers also contributed to enhanced response rates. Direct mail marketing's ability to provide a physical touchpoint amidst the digital noise resonated with recipients, resulting in positive engagement.


In 2022, response rates for direct mail in Canada exhibited a further improvement, averaging around 5% to 7%. Businesses increasingly recognized the value of direct mail as part of their omnichannel marketing strategies. By combining direct mail with digital channels, companies created a cohesive and integrated customer experience, resulting in higher response rates. Advanced data analytics and targeting techniques enabled businesses to refine their direct mail campaigns, ensuring that the right message is sent to the right people at the right time!

Canadian Direct Mail Spending in The Past 5 Years:


In 2018, the industry spending on direct mail in Canada amounted to $6.6 billion according to Canada Post Corporation; a 4.6% increase from the previous year. This significant investment indicated the continued reliance on direct mail as a viable marketing tool. Businesses recognized their ability to engage customers on a personal level and drive tangible results. Several factors contributed to this robust spending, including the widespread availability of customer data and advancements in targeted marketing techniques. The introduction of innovative technologies, such as variable printing and personalized content, further enhanced the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns. As a result, businesses across various industries, including retail, financial services, and healthcare, allocated substantial budgets to direct mail advertising, confident in its ability to yield a strong return on investment (ROI).


The industry spending on direct mail in Canada witnessed a slight decline in 2019. This decrease could be attributed to the growing popularity of digital marketing channels and the shifting consumer preferences towards online interactions. While businesses recognized the importance of an omnichannel approach, they began reallocating some of their marketing budgets to digital platforms to adapt to the changing landscape. However, direct mail remained a valuable tool, especially for target demographics less engaged with digital media. Consequently, many businesses continued to invest significantly in direct mail campaigns, albeit at a slightly reduced rate.


The year 2020 brought unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, significantly impacting industry spending on direct mail. With economic uncertainties and restrictions on physical interactions, businesses in Canada had to reevaluate their marketing strategies. The pandemic prompted a shift towards digital channels, with businesses focusing more on online advertising, email marketing, and social media campaigns. Despite the decline, direct mail still played a crucial role for organizations targeting specific demographics, such as older adults who may have limited online presence. Many businesses adapted their direct mail strategies to align with the changing consumer behaviours, employing safety precautions and emphasizing contactless interactions.


In 2021, as the country began to recover from the pandemic's effects, industry spending on direct mail in Canada experienced a significant resurgence. Businesses recognized the enduring value of direct mail as a tangible and impactful marketing tool, capable of forging personal connections with customers. Additionally, the deployment of sophisticated analytics and data-driven targeting strategies helped optimize direct mail campaigns, ensuring higher response rates and improved ROI. As the economy regained stability, businesses sought to recapture the attention of consumers who may have grown fatigued with digital advertisements. Direct mail offered a refreshing and less intrusive way to engage these audiences, resulting in increased investment in this marketing channel.


The year 2022 witnessed a continued upward trajectory in industry spending on direct mail. Businesses increasingly recognized the complementary nature of direct mail alongside digital marketing efforts. Integrating direct mail into omnichannel strategies allowed organizations to create cohesive and personalized customer experiences. Furthermore, the use of advanced data analytics and automation tools played a significant role. These technologies enabled businesses to optimize their direct mail campaigns, ensuring higher response rates and improved return on investment. By leveraging data insights, companies could precisely target their audience, tailor content, and enhance campaign effectiveness. Overall, the increased spending on direct mail in 2022 can be attributed to its unique ability to engage customers on a personal level, its complementary nature to digital marketing, and the advancements in data analytics and automation tools.

Current Industry Trends in Direct Mail Canada

Direct mail continues to be a relevant and effective marketing channel in Canada, even in the digital age. Here are some of the current industry trends shaping the direct mail landscape in the country:

Personalization and Targeting:

Personalization is a key trend in the direct mail industry. Businesses are leveraging customer data and advanced analytics to create highly targeted and personalized direct mail campaigns. By tailoring the content, offers, and design to individual recipients, companies can enhance the relevance and impact of their mailers, leading to higher response rates and improved ROI. According to a survey by Canada Post Corporation, 66% of respondents reported that personalization made them more likely to open a piece of direct mail. Personalization techniques include variable printing, dynamic content, and customized messaging based on recipient demographics, behaviours, and preferences.

Integration with Digital Channels:

Direct mail is increasingly being integrated into omnichannel marketing strategies. Businesses recognize the value of combining direct mail with digital channels to create a cohesive customer experience. Direct mail can drive traffic to websites, promote social media campaigns, or encourage recipients to engage with personalized QR codes and augmented reality experiences. By integrating direct mail with digital platforms, businesses can enhance brand recall, deepen customer relationships, and provide multiple touchpoints for engagement.

Sustainability and Eco-friendly Practices:

There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly practices in the direct mail industry. Businesses are adopting environmentally conscious strategies to reduce the ecological impact of their direct mail campaigns. This includes using recycled materials, eco-friendly inks, and adopting sustainable printing practices. Additionally, companies are optimizing mailing lists to target only relevant recipients, reducing waste and improving overall campaign effectiveness. By incorporating sustainability into direct mail initiatives, businesses align their marketing efforts with environmentally conscious consumers and contribute to a greener future.

Data-driven Insights and Measurement:

Data analytics and measurement play a crucial role in the success of direct mail campaigns. Businesses are leveraging data-driven insights to optimize targeting, messaging, and creative elements. Businesses analyze response rates, conversion rates, and customer behaviour data to refine their direct mail strategies continuously. By harnessing the power of data, companies can make informed decisions, increase campaign effectiveness, and maximize their ROI.

Enhanced Design and Creativity:

To capture recipients' attention and stand out in a crowded mailbox, direct mail pieces are becoming increasingly creative and visually appealing. Special format direct mailers have become increasingly popular. Innovative design elements, such as unique shapes, interactive features, and personalized visuals, are being used to create memorable and engaging mailers. Businesses are investing in creative designs and leveraging the latest printing technologies to produce eye-catching direct mail pieces that generate excitement and curiosity.

Integration of Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality:

The integration of AR and VR technologies with direct mail is gaining traction in Canada. By incorporating interactive elements, businesses can create immersive experiences for recipients. AR allows recipients to scan a mailer with their smartphones and access additional digital content, such as videos or 3D product models. VR, on the other hand, offers a more immersive experience by transporting recipients to virtual environments. These technologies enhance engagement, bridge the gap between print and digital media, and provide a unique and memorable customer experience.

Compliance with Privacy Regulations:

With increasing data privacy concerns, businesses are prioritizing compliance with privacy regulations when executing direct mail campaigns. Adhering to laws, such as Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), ensures that companies obtain appropriate consent, respect opt-outs, and safeguard customer data. Compliance not only protects recipients' privacy rights but also builds trust and strengthens the reputation of businesses.

In conclusion, direct mail remains a popular and effective marketing strategy in Canada, with businesses using it to drive sales and build relationships with their target audience. Spending on direct mail has remained relatively stable in recent years. Response rates for direct mail campaigns have remained strong, with an average response rate of 5%. Personalization has become increasingly important in direct mail campaigns, with businesses using data and analytics to create targeted and personalized messages for their audience. The direct mail industry in Canada is evolving with current trends focusing on personalization, integration with digital channels, sustainability, data-driven insights, enhanced design, AR/VR integration, and privacy compliance. By leveraging these trends, businesses can create impactful and engaging direct mail campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

Contact Torpedo If you want to learn more about direct mail or want to run a direct mail campaign in the US or Canada.